by Mary O'Kane | Oct 18, 2020
Talks and Webinars for Parents Mary is known for her warm and engaging manner and has a natural ability to connect with parents. Although her talks are grounded in research, she has a down to earth and practical approach, which combined with humour, ensures that her...
by Mary O'Kane | Oct 18, 2020
Talks and Webinars for Educators Mary speaks on a range of topics for educators at preschool, primary and secondary level. Please use the contact form below if you wish to enquire about Mary’s availability to speak in your school or educational setting. Here is a...
by Mary O'Kane | Oct 18, 2020
Talks and Webinars for Teens Mary offers a range of talks and Webinars for teens on the following topics: “Teen Talk: Anxiety” Most teenagers feel anxious at times, it is a perfectly normal response to the many challenges of adolescence. But if your...
by Mary O'Kane | Oct 17, 2020
Ireland AM Videos Mary’s parenting contribution to Ireland AM Mary has contributed to Ireland AM on a range of topics since 2015, and now has a monthly Parenting Slot in the programme where she both covers specific topics and answers viewers parenting questions....
by Mary O'Kane | Oct 17, 2020
Healthy Ireland at Your Library – Videos Dr Mary O’Kane is giving talks to parents across in libraries across Ireland For the past five years, Mary has worked with Libraries across Ireland giving talks for parents and educators on a range of topics.This...